Excuse me, sir.
Can you get down
from the vehicle now, please?
Come on. ln you go.
Dr. Callahan, l presume?
l was there tonight.
l was compelled.
Sounds pretentious enough
to be a charity.
No, wait a minute, l remember.
l was in lndia when
you lot were working the
borders with Afghanistan.
Rumors were, you got in.
There's a lot of people
still dying over there.
They always do, Doctor.
Yeah, well, l'm no warrior.
l'm in the relief business.
So l gathered.
So, here we are--
you with your relief work,
me with my relief work.
And isn't it a strange
because l need
to get into Ethiopia,
and you're already there.
No thanks.
l'd fund your work
of course.
''l've got a camp with 30,000
people, dying at 40 a day.
ln six weeks time,
they'll all be dead.''