Seems fair.
l'm Kat.
Okay, so...
l'm the chief administrator
and logistician, if that
doesn't sound too pompous,
and you've met Nick,
who's our team leader
and full-time doctor.
He's got a lot on his hands
right now.
So this is
the food-distribution center.
Low-tech but effective,
like the rest of us.
The food supplies l brought,
how long will they last?
Oh, three or four days, maybe.
That's it?
l'm afraid so, yeah.
What are you going to do
when the food runs out?
Well, we usually find a way.
Same old story really,
you know--
money, or the lack of it,
but with help, we get by.
Um, l don't think
you want to go...
ls it all right?
Sure. Yeah.