Yeah, hello.
Mommy says l can have
three chapters.
Three chapters?
Would you mind
reading to him tonight?
l have some work to do.
Jim, go on, jump into bed.
-Quick kicks!
Dad'll be there in a minute.
So what's he reading?
lt's on his bedside table.
About tomorrow...
l'm in the office all day.
lt's just, l need
to keep looking for work.
l thought you were going
to make calls from home.
Well, l-l just should go in.
Half the city is looking.
l can't compete
unless l'm there.
Can't your father call somebody?
He's already done
everything he can.
Dad lost everything
in the market crash,
like everybody else.
l know that.
l know, l'm sorry.
l'm sorry.
l think l should go in.
Henry, l arranged meetings,
especially because you said
you'd do the school run.
Well, can't we ask someone?
There must be people
at his school...
You call.
l'm sick of asking for favors.
Don't. Don't!
You didn't bother doing it
in the first place,
don't do it now.
l was trying to help.
No, you were bargaining.
What if l was?
ls that a crime?
You know, because l can argue...
l can shout.
l hate this situation.
l hate not having a job.
l don't see what good
it does to make each other
feel worse than we already do.
Look at this room--
it's a mess.
We'll sort it out.
Things will pick up.
There's a chance, l've got
a meeting with this guy
who's really big in futures,
and l'm going to try
and get a meeting with him.
We will sort it out.
He's waiting for you
to read to him.