Beyond Borders

about what's going on here.
There's no threats,
no criticism,

no fucking comment.
This place might
as well not exist.

And now that
we're all they have,

they want us to save face
for them.

Well, fuck that. They should
get off their fucking asses

and get the fuck out here. Shit.
Sorry. l'm still swearing.
Freeze it there.
Can we cut?
Roll tape.
Basically, nothing has changed.
People keep saying that
everything has changed.

Not from where l'm standing.
Chechnya, Somalia, Cambodia,
it's the same shit every time,

and it's just going to go on
and on until we stop pretending

that our loyalty ends
with the asshole...

You okay?
What do you know?
An English news crew
filmed it six days ago.

The sound man is dead,
the cameraman is in a coma,

and Nick has disappeared.
We think it's bandits--
Chechens looking for money--
but there's been
no ransom demand.

Sarah, l want you
to meet Bob Strauss.

He's with the lCRC here.
He's been helping us.
No, sit. Sit, please.
So, the, um...
net result right now

is we don't know who took Nick.
We don't know if he pissed off
the Russians or the Chechens.
We're pretty sure
there was a motive.

What was he doing?
l think you know
he wasn't just
a doctor anymore.

He, uh...
l'd have to say--
