On and off.
You should move your bed.
lt's too near the window.
Were you working together here?
Yes, in a manner of speaking.
How'd you know where l was?
My sister?
Oh, no, l'm not a journalist,
Mrs. Bauford.
l'm more import/export.
Cambodia, we nearly met.
Nick mentioned you a few times.
l most certainly would have.
What do you want?
What do you want, Mrs. Bauford?
l want to know where Nick is.
Last l heard,
he was being held
in the mountains--
a rebel position,
about five, six miles
northeast of here.
Whole area's under heavy
Russian shelling now,
but l managed
to make radio contact.
They were negotiating,
they knew who he was.
But that was yesterday,
been nothing since.
Chances are that he's dead.
So why are you telling me this?
l'm curious.
l mean, you come
to this shit-hole in hell,
and you think you can find him?
What is it?
ls this... love?
ls that what it is?
Okay, whatever.
You're here.
if l get him back alive.
l'll lose one less operative.
lf he's dead, he's dead.
Of course l'm not stupid enough
to risk my own ass
for some fucked-up big mouth.
But you, you're willing
to risk your life for love.
l'll trade with anything,
Mrs. Bauford.
Anything at all.
What do l do?
l have a friend, a local.