Big Fish

Er zijn vissen die niet gevangen
kunnen worden.

het is niet dat ze sneller of sterker
zijn dan andere vissen.

Zij worden slechts door iets extra aangeraakt.
Zo een vis was Het Beest.
en voordat ik geboren was was
hij al een legende.

He'd passed up more $ 100 lures
than any fish in Alabama.

Some said that fish was
the ghost of a thief...

...who'd drowned in that river
60 years before.

Others claimed he was a dinosaur
left over from the ''Cruaceous'' Period.

l didn't put any stock into
such speculation or superstition.

All l knew was l'd been trying
to catch that fish...

...since l was a boy
no bigger than you.

And on the day you were born....
Well, that was the day
l finally caught him.

Now, l'd tried everything on it:
Worms, lures, peanut butter,
peanut butter and cheese.

But on that day l had a revelation:
lf that fish was Henry Walls' ghost,
then the usual bait wasn't gonna work.
