Big Fish

But the truth is, l'm just not ready
to end up anywhere.

But no one's ever left.
How are you gonna make it
without your shoes?

Well, l suspect it will hurt. A lot.
Now, l'm sorry, but....
Well, goodbye.

-You won't find a better place.
-l don't expect to.

Promise me you'll come back.
l promise. Someday.
When l'm really supposed to.

That night,
I reached two conclusions.

The first was that a dangerous path
is made much worse by darkness.

The second was that I was
hopelessly and irrevocably lost.

These woods would become
my graveyard.

As difficult as it was to reach Spectre,
I was fated to get there eventually.

After all, no man can avoid
reaching the end of his life.

And then I realized
this wasn't the end of my life.

This isn't how l die.
