Big Fish

Ladies and gentlemen!
You may think
you've seen the unusual.

You may think you've seen the bizarre.
But l've traveled
to the five corners of the world...

...and let me tell you,
l've never seen anything like this!

When l met this man...
...he was picking oranges in Florida.
His fellow workers called him
El Penumbra. ''The Shadow.''

Because when you worked
beside him...

...he blocked out the daylight!
Not to alarm you, ma'am,
but if this man wanted to...

...he could crush your head
between his toes...

:45:58 a tiny walnut.
But he won't do it.

No. No, ladies and gentlemen...
...he will not hurt her...
...because he is our own gentle giant.
Ladies and gentlemen,
l give you Colossus!
