"You want to see me naked? "
Yeah, I do.
All right, that's enough.
Roll them back up.
Things that make you go:
It was a wild night.
I got back to the Phoenician Hotel.
They're so snooty.
I got back to the hotel
at 7:30 this morning...
...and I went up to the desk to leave
a wake-up call for 7:00.
And the lady goes,
"Mr. White, it's past 7."
"No, the next one.
You got another one coming around,
don't you?
Why don't you put me on that one?
Hear they're running two a day
through Arizona."
I'm from Texas. In Texas, we have
the death penalty, and we use it!
That's right. If you come to Texas
and kill somebody, we will kill you back.
That's our policy.
They're trying to pass a bill right now that
will speed up the process of execution...
...in heinous crimes where there's more
than three credible eyewitnesses.
If more than three people saw you, you
don't sit on death row for 1 5 years, Jack.
You go straight to the front of the line.
Other states are trying to abolish
the death penalty.
My state's putting in an express lane.
Thanks for playing along.
I hope you enjoyed it. Good night.