Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie

I can hear her and her partner talking
in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese.

And then they start laughing.
I'm like, "Oh, my God!

They're filming this."
She comes in at the half-hour mark.
I think she'll take the needles out.

No. She puts a cotton ball
on each of the ones in my legs...

...Iights it on fire and leaves the room!
Now I'm freaking out
because all I can see...

:38:29 smoke drifting up from between
my legs, and I cannot inhale it. Okey-dokey?

Finally, at the hour mark, she comes in,
she takes the needles out and she goes:

"You come back for another treatment."
I said, "Well, let's just book that right now.

After that, I'll schedule a prostate exam.
Just be a big day for me."

I put my ball cap on.
I'm gonna go home and take a shower.

I've sweated through this whole ordeal.
I'm standing in the bathroom in front
of the mirror. I took my cap off and I went:

She left the needle in my head!
I took my family
on an RV trip last summer.

I thought RV stood for
"recreational vehicle." No.

It stands for "ruins vacations."
I had never driven one of these things.
Dear God, It's 35 feet long, 8 feet wide...

...and got two mirrors that stick out
three feet on each side.

Good Lord, I was like a passenger
trying to land a 747.

I'm weaving all over the road.
I'm getting flipped off by kids
in car seats, all right?

Don't know why they put a reverse on these
dumb things. I never learned to back it up.

If I pulled into a Quickie Mart
too far past the pump to get gas...

...there was no backing up.
It was, go all the way around the block
and try it again.

Thank God I wasn't the only one.
Sometimes there would be seven or eight
of us just circling that Quickie Mart...
