...just like a white trash road race.
I took my family camping
because I'm an idiot.
We're gonna go camping. We live in L.A.
We don't have any camping gear.
So I go to this store,
and I'm buying camping gear...
...and I saw this product.
And when I saw it, I just started laughing.
Because we've become
so ecologically-minded now...
...they've developed a product called
"Rapidly Dissolving Toilet Paper."
Just how rapidly are we talking?
Because I don't want to have to play
Beat the Clock in the thicket, all right?
If it's dark,
I can't see what's going on.
I got to know that toilet paper
is gonna be there to finish the job.
But the reason you
go on these RV trips...
...and these camping trips
is because as your kids grow up...
...they also grow apart from you,
and it tears your heart out.
My little girl is 1 6. She's at that age where
she's in her room listening to her stereo...
...online with her friends,
and boys are starting to call.
Oh, my God. We had a kid call the house
at 2 in the morning.
I lost it.
First off, I'm sound asleep
in la-la land...
...with Shania Twain
in the mountains somewhere.
I hear a phone ring and I'm like,
"Who's got a phone in the mountains?!"
So when I realized it's my phone,
I'm already ticked off. I went, "Hello!"
And this little voice goes,
"ls Emily there? "
And I go, "Dude...
...if you have a brain in your skull,
you will hang this phone up right now."
And my wife goes,
"Bill, you gotta be nice."
I said, "No, ma'am,
nice stops at midnight."
She said, "What will you do
when these little boys come over? "
"I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm gonna
pull the young man in tight next to me...
...so only he and I can hear
the conversation.
I'm gonna whisper in his ear.
I'm gonna say, 'Boy, look at me.