Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie

...and you have to get on an airplane
to get to that job...

:51:03 is really time to review your territory.
They tell us now the economy is bad.
You see it in the airports.

Because everywhere we go now,
all the rental car places...

...are selling the used rental cars.
I've driven some bad vehicles in my life.
I have never been so desperate for
an automobile I wanted a used rental car.

You know what people do to rental cars.
My mother will not drive 55 miles an hour.

You put her in a rental car, she's doing
doughnuts in the grocery store parking lot.

Buying a used rental car...
:51:41 kind of like going to a house
of ill repute looking for a wife.

Anything that's been driven that hard
by that many people...

:51:53 really don't want
to put your key in it.

There's no incentive
to take care of a rental car...

...because if you pay
the extra insurance...

:52:09 can total that rental car,
and they'll bring you another one.

Always get the additional insurance.
They're like:

"Would you like the additional coverage? "
I'm like, "Yes, I would.

You got a Ford Fiesta
that's about to see more air time...

...than a skateboard at the X Games."
So welcome to our job. We feel
like we have the coolest job in the world.

It's funny, because you get
to meet a lot of people backstage.

When you're a comedian,
the number one thing people say to you:

"Where do you come up with material? "
The honest answer, at least for us, is...
...the best stuff is not stuff you make up.
It's true stuff.

That being said,
I have to share this story with you.

Last year, I was hosting a show
for the children's hospital in Atlanta.

A couple came up to me.
The man said to me,
" I bet you done heard every redneck thing."
