Very first night.
- With her? Very first night?
- Yes!
There are dozens of women
just as friendly as her on board.
Dude, I gotta tell ya.
Whatever you're doing...
take a week off and get yourself
on one of those boats.
There's a line at the can.
Honey, can we skip dinner?
You look so hot you got me
in the mood for a takeout in bed.
Wasn't that crazy Marshall Geller who
worked in our high school cafeteria?
Nope. That was crazy Marshall
Geller, my new personal hero.
Dude, let 's bolt.
Hanging around some stupid bar
is no place to meet women.
What are you talking about? You've
begged me to come here for months!
Jerry, buddy...
trust me...
I have seen the light.
Son of a bitch!
That was my space!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you right back, buddy!
Back off. I don't wanna see an out
of shape slob get his butt kicked.
- He ain't that out of shape.
- I'm talking about you!
You break a sweat
changing your shoes.
- Stop. Bite me!
- Blow me!
- Kiss my ass!
- Fuck your mother!
Oh, yeah? No one would want to fuck
my mother 'cause she's too ugly.
- I think I lost that one, didn't I?
- Oh, yeah.