Some bonehead shot down
our helicopter.
Coach had to make water landing.
I didn't think this would happen
until I died and went to heaven.
It 's a lucky thing we were picked
up by a boat full of homo boys.
It would be terrible to have
straight men hassling and ogling us...
while we're trying to work on
our even tan lines.
You're so right.
Lucky I'm gay!
I'm super gay! I'm mega...
I'm gay enormous!
I'm so gay!
But that 's good.
'Cause now you guys can all feel
comfortable in front of me...
and take off your tops and stuff.
And I can do this for you.
I can put tanning oils
and creamy lotions...
all over your luscious bodies.
And there won't be any worries
for you because I'm so gay!
Yeah, baby! Yeah, baby!
Almost finished!
Okay, let 's do the back.
The first time I think
I realized I was gay...
was when I was around twelve
in Scouts.
I really liked putting on
that kerchief.
In fact, it was the only part
I liked about it.
That and the nude swimming.
Anyway, I hope you gals
all feel comfortable around me.
"Ja", Nick.
'Cause I sure do feel comfortable
around you.
All done. Who's next?
How about you, Ursula?
Ready for your second coat?
These thighs look a little dry.
There we go.
What do you want?
What the hell is that?
I got this from that dude
over there. He's hot.
You are no gay homo man.
I am Sonya, coach of tanning team.