Because you're not a blonde.
Can't get nothing past you.
[ Laughs ]
You must be
a bomb-ass lawyer.
Oh, look at all
of these pretty candles --
all romantic and shit.
Somebody was planning
on getting some booty tonight.
Hey! Leave that alone.
There are settings.
And you can't be Charlene,
because Charlene is more of...
Skinny white broad?
[ Laughs ]
You know, I get that a lot.
But that's your fault
you're thinking that, bro.
You must have not have took
a good look at that picture.
I have looked
at that picture a lot,
and trust me,
you are not in it.
[ Sucking ]
Move, move, move.
Let me do it.
There I am.
Sorry you got it
twisted, dog.
I don't get a lot of
photo ops where I been.
Where exactly have you been?
I got a rumble in the jungle.
We still having dinner or what?
I asked you a question.
I did time, baby,
but I ain't do the crime.
You're a convict?
Bump that.
Roscoe cracked that door.
I kicked it off the heezy
and bounced.
For real, though.
What did you just say?
What, don't you hear good?
All right.
Let's see.
How can I put this?
I was recently liberated
from a correctional facility...
All right. I get it.
You're in the big house, and
you get someone to type for you,
and you get on the lnternet,
and you misrepresent yourself.
It happens, and I'm a sucker,
but now you have to go,
because this is over.
Unh-unh. No, no, no.
you misrepresented yourself.
Boyishly light -- please.
You said you was
a criminal lawyer.
I pulled your file.
You're just some sorry-ass
tax attorney.
A tax lawyer is
a criminal lawyer.
Oh, yeah?
Well, good,
'cause that's why I'm here.
Well, do tell.
I want to reopen my case.