[ Sighs ] Ohh.
Bye, Tamika.
Y'all be good, now.
Hey, hey.
Y'all got to go.
-That's a'ight.
Hey, baby, gonna go.
Oh, bye, Bear.
Thank you so much.
Party's over.
Okay. Thanks for coming.
But that's it. It's over.
If I see Widow around,
I'm gonna tell him you're out.
You know
he wants to know that.
I don't know about that.
I'll see you.
-Okay. Bye, baby.
MAN: It's like this.
-How you doin', neighbor?
-What's up?
What are you still doing here?
-What was all that, Dad?
-Dad, who's this?
This is no one.
Tsk! What's up, lil' Romeo?
My name is Charlene.
What's your name?
I'm Georgey.
You cannot meet
a nonexistent person.
Can Charlene come to the club?
Club? What club?
We're not going to a club,
We're going to Hawaii,
Okay, you know the routine.
-Out! Let's go.
-Come on, man!
Sarah, get the door.
Come on. Out.
Out, out, out!
[ Grunting ]
Give me my money, lil' boy.
That money should go
to charity!
[ Knock on door ]
What did --
Hey, I live here.
Okay, you guys.
You know, you order hot dogs,
and you splash and frolic
and just put everything on
my account and just have fun.
Didn't you bring
your bathing suit?
Oh, no.
I'm having tea with a client.
But I will be right back.
Whatever you say.
Want to go swimming?
With you?
Forget you.
How's it looking?
Well, I was up all night
It's absolutely brilliant.
And you've got the cleanest
background check I've ever seen.