You need to do something.
I saw this woman.
I was there.
Shouldn't you at least
be looking at references?
Thank you. Thank you.
Listen, Peter is nothing
if not responsible.
It's not like he's gonna
hire a convicted felon.
Oh, I wouldn't be too sure
about that.
Let's see -- we got resisting
arrest, assaulting an officer,
repeated attempts
at eye-gouging,
and...scrotum crushing.
Well, I was a little riled up,
being framed and all.
And your clothes and l.D.
were found at the scene.
All plants.
I never robbed nobody!
I know my rights.
I get an appeal.
I get an appeal!
You only get an appeal if you
were convicted and incarcerated.
You were released.
Look, why don't you just
start over?
[ Exhales deeply ]
Go back to school and get
at least a passing familiarity
-[ Leaves rustling ]
-with the English language.
It's no end
to what you can accomplish
with a little commitment.
My daughter Sarah
is fully committed,
and she's going places.
Oh, she's goin' places,
all right.
HOWlE: So, it's a charitable
remainder trust.
That way, the old tightwad gets
a huge deduction every year.
[ Telephone beeps ]
Uh, no more calls, Sofia.
It's not a call.
There's someone here --
CHARLENE: Girl, get out!
I do not know who you are --
Send her in.
Bet you know me now, huh?
This couldn't wait
until tonight?
Well, well, well!
Come in, have a seat,
spend some time.
Thanks, homeboy,
and, no, it can't wait.
You gotta check this out.
-What is it?
-I found the deposition.
The prosecution interviewed
an eyewitness,
and she told them
that the perpetrator
didn't have a tattoo
on the chest.
They never told my lawyer
about this shit.
That's withholding exculp--
Exculpatory evidence.
People vs. Stanley, I know.
How do you know that?
Why wouldn't she know that?
She's got it goin' on.
Damn, Pete, all I did in there
was read law books.
And with comprehension.
Made you think I was a lawyer.
I mean, you obviously have
pockets of intelligence.
So, why do you walk and talk
and act the way you do?
Because it's sexy.