Well, you beat me by 19.
Uh, let's make it 20.
All right.
Mrs. Arness, I was wondering
if you'd like to come over
to my house on Thursday
and possibly
look over the contract.
I'll have to check with
my secretary, Julia.
Mrs. Arness, would you
excuse me for a minute?
I just have to
check on my children.
Oh, of course.
You do that.
I'd like to dip you
in Cheez Whiz
and spread you over
a Ritz Cracker,
if I'm not being too subtle.
[ Chuckles ] Boy, you are
some kind of freaky.
Oh, you have no idea.
You got me
straight trippin', boo.
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, what are you doing here?
What does it look like?
I'm on a date.
On a date.
She's on a date?
She's a felon.
-I am not a felon.
-Hey, what is she doing here?
Get used to it, Twiggy.
You're gonna be seeing
a lot more of me around here.
Not without a broom
in your hand.
If I have, it's 'cause I'm here
to sweep up the white trash.
Save it for the YMCA, Jemima.
Bitch! I'm gonna kick
the bulimia out of your ass!
Have you ever had
a tempered moment?
Why don't you go back to the
vodka bottle you crawled out of?
Mrs. Arness is here.
I am sheltering you.
I'm helping you.
Remember, I helped you --
All right!
I'll let it ride.
Thank you for letting it ride.
That is wise and mature.
Now, just get her walking
that way.
Let me show you the place,
Looking good, Lois!
Hey, freak boy...
I'm gonna make myself a little
more luscious for you, okay?
I'll be right back.
Okay, precious.
[ Hinges squeak ]
What are you doin' in here?
I told you you was gonna be
seein' more of me, right?
Look, I came here to warn you.
You keep disrespecting me,
and it's gonna get rough
around here.