Let's see.
How can I put this?
I was recently liberated
from a correctional facility...
All right. I get it.
You're in the big house, and
you get someone to type for you,
and you get on the lnternet,
and you misrepresent yourself.
It happens, and I'm a sucker,
but now you have to go,
because this is over.
Unh-unh. No, no, no.
you misrepresented yourself.
Boyishly light -- please.
You said you was
a criminal lawyer.
I pulled your file.
You're just some sorry-ass
tax attorney.
A tax lawyer is
a criminal lawyer.
Oh, yeah?
Well, good,
'cause that's why I'm here.
Well, do tell.
I want to reopen my case.
And what did you do, smoke
some homies on a drive-by?
Smoke? Homies?
Well, you a regular
gangster, huh?
No, man. I was in for armed
robbery, but I didn't do it.
Yeah, nobody did it.
I can't be having
this conversation
because you're a criminal-type.
If I was a criminal,
I would have shanked you
when I had
that knife in my hand.
The fact that you even said that
is a problem for me.
-But I didn't think that.
-It's just time to go.
Please, just listen to me.
Just give me one second.
No, I don't have a second.
Okay, can I just
say something, please?
I didn't do the crime.
You rude mother--
[ Locks clicking ]
I ain't goin'.
[ lnsects chirping ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Crying ] It's your baby,
Peter, and don't you deny it!
That DNA test told on you!
You lie, Peter!
You know lil' Kareem is yours!
How you gonna do me
like that, Peter?!