-We're--we're not?
-No. Heh.
We're like£¬ uh...
we're like squirrels. Yeah.
Oh. Oh£¬ yeah. Beauty£¬ eh?
Yeah£¬ well£¬ he--he's actually
the squirrel£¬ eh?
I'm more of
a pure-bred wolverine.
Look at these cuspids.
TUKE: Give him a little room.
Uhh. Why am I even talking
to a couple of dumb moose?
No£¬ we're squirrels£¬ eh?
I'll find it myself.
-Oh£¬ I wouldn't go that way.
-Why not£¬ eh?
Uh£¬ well...there was a reason.
TUKE: You brought it up.
RUTT: I'm trying to£¬
but you're talking--
Aah! Uhh! Ow! Uhh!
Aah! Unh! Ow!
So£¬ you think of it yet?
Uh£¬ no£¬ but it's
drivin' me nuts£¬ too£¬ eh?
KODA: Psst. Hey.
-ls the coast clear?
Are there any hunters around?
Uh£¬ no.
-Aw£¬ good!
How you doin'? Guess you didn't
see the trap£¬ huh?
I saw it from a mile away.
Ha ha.
You must be pretty embarrassed.
Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone.
You need to get down.
Let me help.
Wait£¬ wait£¬ wait£¬ wait£¬ wait!
-Hold still!
No£¬ just--ow! Stop that!
Uhh! If you just--ow!
Give me--Stop it! Uhh!
It's no use.
The only way to get down
is to chew your own foot off.
I don't need
some stupid bear's help.
I just need the stick.
-OK£¬ here.
-No£¬ no£¬ no.
I'll do it myself. Put it back.
No£¬ where you found it.
-To the left.
By the little rock.
Boy£¬ that tree is strong£¬ huh?
You know£¬ when I was little...
I was really into climbin'
trees--all kinds of trees.