Brother Bear

touch the mountain£¬
and last year--

Wait£¬ wait£¬
what'd you just say?

There's lots of bears
and tons of fish.

No. You know where
the lights touch the earth?

Yeah£¬ it's at the top
of the mountain...

right by the salmon run.
You're kidding me.
No£¬ no.
They're practically next door.

Come on£¬ I'll show you.
It'll be great.

I promise to help you escape
from every trap you walk into.

I'm not gonna walk
into any more--uhh!--traps.

Come on.
What do you say?
You're sure you can take me...
to where
the lights touch the earth?

Yeah£¬ no problem.
If you slow me down--
I won't. I promise.
All right.
We leave first thing tomorrow.

And keep all that cuddly bear
stuff to a minimum£¬ OK£¬ kid?

My name's not kid. It's Koda.
-What's your name?

Good day.
Hey£¬ how's it goin'£¬ eh?

Oh£¬ so£¬ we got a lot
to get done today.

You want to get started?
Yeah£¬ just give me one sec£¬ eh?

Could you just
help me crack this?

Oh£¬ yeah.
-You ready now?

-Uh£¬ almost.
-Oh£¬ jeez.

Just want to do£¬ uh£¬
dog facing forward.

-Oh£¬ come on!
-Uhh! Good. OK.

This is a nice patch here.
RUTT: Oh£¬ gee. Don't--don't--
don't go near this patch here.

Somethin' went here.
