* And to sleep
under the stars *
* Who could ask for more? *
* With the moon
keeping watch over me *
* Not the snow, not the rain *
* Not the snow, not the rain *
* Can change my mind *
* The sun will come out,
wait and see *
* And the feeling
of the wind in your face *
* Can lift your heart *
* Whoa, there's nowhere
I would rather be *
* 'Cause I'm on my way now *
* Well and truly *
* I'm on my way now *
RUTT: Hey! stai asa, eh!
* I'm on my way *
-Cum mai sta treaba , baitule urs?
-Si, uh , ursule marunt.
Gee, nu stiam
ca ai un fratior mai mic.
-E dragut, eh?
-Pai de fapt, el e doar--
OK, e acest vanator, eh...
ne urmareste, si ma gandeam--
ne gandeam.
Daca putem sa umblem cu voi o vreme--
Da, doar sa umblam.
Da. Stii tu, ar fi distractiv.
Vreau sa zic, daca vanatorul,
o sa ne ajunga din urma--
Atunci il mananci.
Da. La asta
ne-am gandit noi.
Ne-am ascuns de vanator
sub ghetar.
Deci, nu crezi ca o sa urmeze alea?
TUKE: Sunt destul de dragute.
* On my way now *
Am o idee.
OK, asta e destul de ciudat.
Pleaca, eh. Eu conduc.
Cand o sa vina randul meu, eh?
Nu e asa de usor pe cat pare.
Fi atnet la ce fac eu, OK?
Pai, hai sa ne luam un scaun sau ceva.
Arat de parca m-ai fi vanat.
* Tell everybody
I'm on my way *
Hei, haideti.
* And I just can't wait
to be there *
* Just can't wait
to be there *
* With blue skies ahead *
* Yes, I'm on my way *
* And nothing but good times
to share *
* Nothing but good times *
* Tell everybody
I'm on my way *
* And I just can't wait
to be home *