By that do the most greatest biscuit of Buffalo?
to cheer the infants from the neighborhood?
Is certain.. It should be marvelous see the sorrisos in the little faces of them.
I work there behind.
I do not see no smile.
THE previous record of Buffalo was 2 meters and 60 centimeters.
I Do by Clarisse Pouson.
Itself this biscuit exceed the of Clarisse
is going to try at once by everybody
That the family Kowolski Has very longer free.
AND the biscuit has...
3 meters and 14 centimeters!
We have a news record!
they Put that music sentimental?ide!
But what we are finding really here?
is barely a big biscuit?
Or this biscuit represents the pride of Buffalo?
Dedication and hard work that are the ingredients key.
With some pinches of union.
AND finally,
the love of our families.
That generates the certain stuffing,
Becoming ours loved Buffalo A place more candy of itself live.
AND is like this that the biscuit is divided...
Sou Bruce Nolan.
Eyewitness News.
what do you find?
I Find very good.
is a drug!
is a history about a biscuit.
I Look an idiotic boy,
a little improved.
Love, was amused. Myself fez I laugh.
so is made a mistake do the persons we laugh?
I never will be an anchor of the newspaper
Not with that.. It is there
But I cannot achieve
Because all time that do I do me
This kind of thing
I have that act like a pra do work.
I not have nenhuma credibility.
That is not good.. It is not.
Knows about a thing? Now yes you are looking idiot.