AND this went like that happened.
AND is like this that the biscuit is divided.
AND is like this, that I like.
Oh not..
Grace, the dog!
I Am in the shower.
bad Dog!
Inside is Bad, Outside is Good.
Already finished now? Great.
L - I WENT - N - OF THE. Pretty.
Come. We go enter and give a cagada.
what is happening there?
we are having a blood donation campaign.
Arrepiante. Needles give me fear.
But they need to my blood
I have a rare a lot kind blood. I am AB positive.
is even? I am AB positive. Do but not they go I touch me with nenhuma needle!
This is so..
Helping to save lives.
- Not, is its blood
is blood. Blood that must stayed inside the body.
is like this that should be.
Those faces, they guard everything frozen in a warehouse
AND they speak that is lacking blood.
is Not truth.
Where did you hear?
A dependable spring.
A friend of a friend
Of a boy that the sister is leaving with a high one figur?o of the government.
For its own protection,
do not I be able to speak about that now.
Now alight, before they in the vejam joined.
You need to that more than I.
what is that?
is a charm, the infants did me. It goes maintain you to save.
I Expect that be powerful! I am going to be necessary a miracle to arrive at the right moment.