I haven't steal it
I just borrow it
Listen,I think she love me
I said¡I know she love me
and if I return the necklace
to her
she will owe me a favor
then she will have much a liking of me
and then love me in heart
and this will not fail
only a stupid will
and that's you
if she knows what you have done
there will be negative effect
why are you sleeping on my bed
this bed is quite comfortable
you gone mad
you eat my food
sleep on my bed
that's ok
but now you should tell me
why those people chase you
ok, I'll use
your language to explain it to you
why there are 10 hot dogs in a package
but in each hotdag-package you can only find eight hotdogs?
what are you talking about
why can you answer a question with a question
and it is a stupid question
when you are preached to a certain extent
then you can answer my question
then I will answer you
good night