Cabin Fever

The chairs...
they were set in a circle,

so that way everybody
was forced to watch

everybody else.
And then the robber,
this sick maniac,
he goes and finds one of those
little ball-peen hammers.

And then one by one...
he smashed the backs
of their heads open with the hammer.

Everyone had to watch
their friends die,

knowing that they'd
soon be next.

The guy doesn't stop there.
He breaks out the fire axe.
The alarm goes off...
he doesn't give a shit.

He hacked off
all of their limbs.

The cops found six
bloody torsos

tied to the bowling seats.
Blood everywhere...
Turns out the guy was
some disgruntled employee.

That was
my childhood playground.

Bert, you asshole,
it's not funny.

Yes it is,
you fucking slut.

Tell them about
the happy bald guy.

- No, I can't take it.
- He gave us our shoes

and quarters for
the video games.

There was a room with
a pool table,

but my dad wouldn't
let us go there.

The bald guy was always happy,
always smiling.

But the killer
got him too.

When the cops searched
the place,

they found hacked off limbs
at the end of the bowling lanes.

The guy had bowled
people's organs.

Arms, legs, everything.
They found the bald guy's head
in the ball return.

- He was still smiling.
- Oh, no.

I knew you were full of shit!
You suck!

No! It was in the paper.
I swear!

I'm laughing because
Jeff is an asshole
and he's making me laugh.
