Yeah, the WI posing-pouch calendar.
- Flesh sells, I tell ya.
- Yeah.
Right, decided.
So where do we get a photographer?
Art college. It's full of charlatans
who prostitute their talent for money.
- Is it?
- Yeah. Lawrence was telling me.
Hey, you wanna see
this kid's photographs.
Don't go on about them.
He's taking some of me sunflowers,
to see how they're getting on.
It's not your photographer, it's your models.
Professional models cost a bloody bomb.
I'll model for you for nowt.
No, thanks. I've just seen your backside
and, believe me, it's not like George's.
There you go.
This bloody settee. They're gonna need
another relatives' room,
for the relatives of the relatives who got
injured on the settee in the relatives' room.
So, did you talk to the specialist?
John seems chirpier to me today.
What's the old...
- Pneumonia and septicaemia.
- Oh, that's good. I've heard of those.
They can deal with those, can't they?
It means his immune system's weakened.
The chemo isn't working.
Which means we're finally out of straws.
Don't you go buying any benches.
Do what the hell I like, John Clarke.
If you put a bench out here,