Calendar Girls

Annie asked me to read it to you
here tonight, and this is what he wrote.

"The flowers of Yorkshire
are like the women of Yorkshire."

"Every stage of their growth
has its own beauty,

but the last phase
is always the most glorious."

"Then very quickly they all go to seed."
"Which makes it ironic my favourite flower
isn't even indigenous to the British Isles,
let alone Yorkshire."

"I don't think there's anything on this planet
that more trumpets life than the sunflower."

"For me, that's because
of the reason behind its name."

"Not because it looks like the sun
but because it follows the sun."

"During the course of the day,
the head tracks the journey
of the sun across the sky."

"A satellite dish for sunshine."
"Wherever light is, no matter how weak,
these flowers will find it."

"And that's such an admirable thing."
"And such a lesson in life."
You ran into a gate? How'd you do that?
You what?
He does a paper round.
It pays for his elocution lessons.

Yeah, well, he's bent these good-style.
It'll be... 25 quid that, love.

I have to have it.
Ted, would you mind if I borrowed this?
