Calendar Girls

No, 500 copies.
So how much would that be?
Thank you. Get back to you.
- It's never that much.
- It bloody is.

We're looking for sponsorship,
and my husband always
used your products, you see.

He worked for the National Park.
- John Clarke?
- Yes, yes, that's right.

He died of leukaemia.
- Aye, I know. I'm sorry.
- Thank you.

- What do you need sponsorship for?
- OK, um...

We're getting there. But the sunflower
needs to leap out at you. More yellow.

- Quiet! Look, you can't all be July.
- It's my birthday in July.

My divorce came through in March.
I'd like to be September.

I'm not disturbing you, am I?
I was just passing.

I bought, um... They're nothing much.
Oh, Marie, they're lovely. Come on in.
I never felt I really knew John.
He worked for the National Park, didn't he?
- I just wanted to say, if there's anything...
- These are beautiful. Are they gerberas?

You should get away for a bit. Have
a holiday. You know, get out of Knapely.

- You trying to get rid of me?
- No, no. I just...

- I feel I have to say something, Annie.
- More tea?

No, no.
