my husband...
Thank you. Knapely,
best of luck with the settee. Now...
No, no, no. Just hold on.
Just hold on a minute with your red light.
Sorry, does the other member
from Knapely want to say something?
Yes, because
she's about to commit heresy.
Hello. Here we go.
- Oh, God.
- Look, I hate plum jam.
I only joined the WI
to make my mother happy.
I do, I hate plum jam.
I'm crap at cakes, I can't make sponge.
In fact, seeing as it's unlikely that George
Clooney would actually come to Skipton
to do a talk on what it was like to be in ER,
there seems very little reason
for me to actually stay in the WI.
Except suddenly... suddenly I want
to raise money in memory of a man I loved,
and to do that I'm prepared to take
me clothes off for a WI calendar,
and if you can't give us 10 minutes
of your time, Madam Chairman,
well then, frankly, guys,
I'm going to do it without council approval.
Because there are some things that are
more important than council approval.
And if it means
that we get closer to killing off
this shitty, cheating, sly,
conniving bloody disease that cancer is,
oh, God, I tell you, I'd run round Skipton
market naked, smeared in plum jam,
wearing nothing but a knitted tea cosy
on me head and singing "Jerusalem".
Let's break.
10 minutes.