- l thought he died.
- He might have.
He was supposed to
be here two days ago.
How does that happen?
He used to be huge.
He hasn't had a hit
since Childrehs Crusade.
He never wrote another show.
l hope he directs the benefit
this summer.
What are you singing
for auditions for the first show?
- Doht Raih oh My Parade.
- That's original.
With the tugboat.
What is that supposed to be?
How you doing?
My name's Vlad.
Okay if l use those drawers?
You can go into
anybody's drawers you like.
l don't think
you'll get an argument.
Just ignore him.
That's what he's used to.
l'm Ellen, this is Shaun
and Spitzer and Michael.
Thirty-foot rule.
- No way!
- What's that?
Michael has to stay 30 feet away
until we know if he's straight or gay.
lf he's gay, l'm Tyne Daly.