Two thousand sunsets,
yet not one sunrise.
No, no, no, no!
God damn you all!
You piss on the memory
of the greatest playwright
of the 20th century.
ln Cuba we took our lives
in our hands performing her work,
waiting for Castro's thugs
to burst in and arrest us!
l don't understand
what l'm saying.
Of course you don't,
you middle-class piece of shit!
- l'm doing the best l can.
- That's what's so tragic.
Leave her alone.
How about you, then?
Have you had even
one painful moment in your life
since the doctor slapped you
on your ass when you were born?
- Yeah.
- Tell me, then.
Tell me
your most painful moment,
the one that makes you convulse
with sobs when you think of it.
Why would l do that
in front of three strangers?
To be able to do it
in front of 3,000.
Back to the top, and try not to
screw up the blocking this time.
Eyes, eyes, nostrils,
silent scream.
l have to go to the bathroom.
Piss in the Dumpster.
Start again!