
- A girl.
- l can't even straighten my hair.

That's too bad.
You'd be a total playa.

Got that whole Latin thing going.
Get a girl alone,
throw on some salsa,

whisper a little Spanish in her ear.
- You'd make out like a bandit.
- l'll keep that in mind.

ls that your father?
That's Stephen Sondheim.
The greatest songwriter
in musical theater.

l don't talk to my parents.
- Why not?
- Enough.

l have to keep
some kind of mystery.

You'll grow bored with me
and move on to someone younger.

- Good night, Mike.
- 'Night, Vlad.

Did he call me Mike?
Can l help you?
l'm not sure
where l'm supposed to go.

- l'm Bert Hanley.
- lt's about time.

Where have you been?
You were supposed to
be here two days ago.

You're right.
What's the use in lying?

- l've been drinking for 72 hours.
- You've been drinking?
