
- Hi.
- Hi.

My name's Vlad.
l don't mean
to bother you or anything.

l just wanted to tell you
how excited l am that you're here.

l did a production
of The Childrehs Crusade

at school this spring.
At first l did it
just to get close to this girl.

But then it was so good.
lt really took the characters
of the kids so seriously.

That's really kind of you to say.
That song Sihg for You.
l listened to the record,
like, a hundred times

just to get the chords right
on my guitar.

lt's not out on CD.
Did you know that?

Yeah, l knew that.
So, what shows have you done
since then, Mr. Hanley?

Thank you very much
for coming by to visit, Vlad.

Thank you.
Just give me a break.

You little ass-kisser.
One, two, three, four.
Quit dragging!
Y'all better get your asses
used to less sleep

'cause we're gonna have
rehearsal all morning.

Then lunch,
then rehearsal.

Then dinner,
then rehearsal.

And the whole thing
starts all over again the next day.

Miss Allen, we've all seen
the beginning of Fame.

Fame. huh?
