Sometimes it's nice
not to be special.
Sometimes it's nice to listen
to what everyone else listens to
just to be normal for once.
- Dance with me.
- Jump off the roof.
Come on, dance with me.
Just kidding.
Just kidding.
Fiddler oh the Roof?
This is the last straw.
Look at us.
Do we look like
any Jews you know?
You could be Sephardic.
Look at those curly things
on Petie.
l don't think Motel the tailor
used a lot of hair relaxer.
lt's color-blind casting.
What do you want me to do?
Porgy ahd Bess?
Brihg ih Da Noise?
Why do we have to
play white characters
show after show,
summer after summer?
l don't have enough black kids
to do an all-black show.
l want my little brother learning
he can be himself
and still get applause.
You know what l'm saying?
What are you gonna do about it?
And l am telling you
l'm not going
You're the best man
l'll ever know
There's no way
l can ever go
No, no, no, no way
No, no, no, no way
l'm living without you
l'm not living without you