
Hey, do you want
to come out and play the game?

Wanna come out,
wanna come out

lt's never too late
l ever tell you we did
The Childrehs Crusade?

Five summers ago.
lt was good.

The kids want to do a revue
of my music for the benefit.

l heard.
What did you tell them?

- l told them yeah.
- Good. l'm glad.

But not on
three hours' rehearsal a day.

You tell me, am l wrong?
Am l doing such a horrible thing?

l don't know.
l was like you, except l was
feeling sorry for myself,

and l thought these kids
needed a hard dose of reality,

so l gave it to them.
Both barrels.

But l've been watching them,
and l was wrong.

They're a bunch of little freaks.
The more normal
we try to make them,

the more lonely and isolated
they're gonna feel.

Summer is almost over, Glen.
Let's all go out like pros.
What do you say?
