Good job, Bert.
Really terrific.
Thank you. l had no idea
you chaired this benefit.
l'm giving a party on the 1 8th.
l'll give you a call.
Great. Love to.
Who's that?
Go away.
- What are you doing?
- l'm going swimming.
Don't! l don't
even want to talk to you!
l want to apologize.
You are either the biggest
closet case l've ever seen,
or you're just plain evil.
Why? l thought now
that you're straight...
Don't get carried away.
- l slept with her 'cause of you.
- Me?
l figured you might
feel less threatened
if you thought l was capable
of sex with a woman.
l don't even know how
to respond to that, dude.
With a straitjacket, perhaps?
Things went so good with Dee.
lsn't it just possible that you're...
The only thing that's possible now
is l'll get beat up once too often