A prominent middle-aged
in a prosperous
Long Island town
is charged with sodomizing young
boys who were his students.
Police are charging that
sexual abuse went on
behind the doors of
17 Picadilly Road in Great Neck.
We rang the doorbell.
As soon as he realized who it
was, he wasn't gonna let us in.
So one of the detectives
broke the door down.
And we went into
the premises at that point.
Arnold was by himself.
His wife was out shopping.
I was out to the store to
buy a Thanksgiving turkey.
And I go up the front
walk to the house,
and there're people
all over the house.
And my husband is sitting,
looking very sheepishly
in the dining room, handcuffed.
By this time, just about
every news organization
you could name had
arrived on the scene.
I went home for Thanksgiving.
Got to the house, and there's
cops and news trucks
all over the place.
I got worried, of course.
When David came to the house,
we were able to
ascertain eventually
the type of business he was in.
And we heard that he was
involved in children's
entertainment in the form of
some sort of clown activities.
I was there when
the clown came in.
He was ranting and raving.
We had words.
And I was going
through the folders.
We told him to take a hike.
And he kept trying
to come into the house,
and I kept telling him
that he couldn't,
that he had to leave.
He wasn't allowed
while we were searching.
And finally, he came in
for the last time.
He bent down.
I really thought he had
a weapon in that duffle bag.
Everybody kind of, you know,
reached for a gun at one point.
What he came out with
was a pair of Fruit
of the Loom underwear.
And he started prancing around,
flailing his arms in the air,