Capturing the Friedmans

Because I used to say to him,
"It's called foreplay.
It's supposed to be play.
It's supposed to be fun. "
And he treated it like work.
Like this is what you're
supposed to do when you do it,

like washing the dishes.
If he was so much in the closet
and not living with her

and not attracted,
where was she for 30 years?

Why didn't she say, "Honey,
you're not having sex with me.

I think I want a divorce. "
Where was she?
I don't think that's the case.
Either they're
both crazy,

which is a possibility,
or he was perfectly normal,
based according to, you
know, by her standards.

You're the one for me
It was a difficult marriage
because of Elaine.

She had her problems, and it
took a monumental amount

of patience and love
and caring to handle it.

It wasn't easy for him.
It wasn't easy for the kids.
But they were able
to live with it.

She was the best mother
she knew how.

She loved her kids,
and she loved her husband.

She wasn't the warmest,
most outgoing human being
in the world.

When I had the first child,
I was just ecstatic,

but I didn't know
how to do it.

And I wasn't the most
well-balanced person myself.
You know, we all have
hang-ups, and

that's my hang-up.
Good things can never
happen to me, only bad.

That's all the snapshots.
