OK, I think we can eat now.
So you're saying
what we have is
the people who we thought
would testify
and say that nothing happened.
And we are afraid to put them
on the witness stand,
even though we know
that nothing happened.
We think they will say
something happened.
The Friedmans suggested that
we speak to various people
who may have been present
at the time.
And some of those people weren't
alleged victims at all.
And that the hope was that one
or more of these people
would say,
"This is just not true. "
But that just didn't happen.
As far as I'm concerned
he's being, he's
So then nothing happened.
We begged him to tell us
that something happened,
to explain how this whole mess
could have happened.
That's the only way to explain
how it could have happened
other then the fact that the
police are out of their minds.
We begged him.
He told us nothing happened.
That's good enough for me.
Nothing happened.
If my father had the ability
to confess to me,
yeah, he had done
something one time,
and that's how this whole crazy
mess got started,
it would make a lot more sense.
Not that I wanted that
to be the case, but
you have to find a way
to explain the unexplainable.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, look at that.