Yeah Yeah moving.
Bye Priya. Bye...!
i'll call you.
Phone...! Phone...!
l'll call you. Call you...!
Wait... a minute
Wait... a minute
He's saying that
he will call you.
But he did'nt
take my number.
Hey you did'nt
take the number!
No No...
Oh...! My my
Just a second...
Just a second...
What you do man.
Please ask her...
Number? Number?
Tell your number.
Common say it clearly.
l am saying it clearly.
Why are you shouting?
Hey...... ... . .!
Yeah Yeah Done.
Just say a little
bye bye to her
Ok Ok thats enough just
move your car move it.
Hey Priya where were you.
Hey... Aunty just listen listen.
You had to be here by 12.00
lts 6.30 now... ...!