Wow superb, what a marksmen you are
May be the can is at the wrong place
No no, i was just practicing
Laugh laugh
You aim at that can,
i am going to eat ice cream
You can't do it, Raj
Raj you cant do it
l know uncle i cant do it,
but what should i do?
- Lie
Then how did you get this?
- He just gave it to me
He gave it for free?
He saw how much love i have for you
He saw this and gave it to me
But sadly
what happened?
A person who is a forigner
understands my heart
But the one who must understand
she doesn't
Priya i have decieded
That after marriage l will cook for one time
Listen, l will take care of the kids
l know Homeopathy as well,
you will never catch cold fever or anything
Your small problems, i'll solve it in
a click