But he kept on staring & staring at me
Then What happed?
Then as usuall l forgot to
pull my hand break
And the car went into the pitt
l think lf he wanted to he would
have stoped your car
Yes he came forward to stop the car
but l was unable to understand & l Stoped him
lt means he was a good man
i was thinking the same
l should have thanked him
Yeah right!
Then Thank him now
l think you are not
recognising me
l should wear the
same dress and come
l was driving
Priya meet Raj Saleem's friend
He looks like a
truck driver but he's not
Raj meet Priya
My very special friend
l've already met her
Yeah Yeah come come
l should come hear. Farah your
are comming in the middle
Saleem move man
move! Move!
l should come here.
Please take it
l was really angry
at that moment
But afterwards i realised
that it was my mistake
Yeah Yeah l already knew
that it was your mistake
But in anger i dont know
what have l said to you?
What What!
You said
But still you were silenced
You know when you are angry
there's a special shine comes in your eyes
Yeah it comes
You ca'nt see it because you
are in anger at that time