Chalte Chalte

l say just hand him over to police...

Brother Muno thanks,
And you also...

5 - 6 - 9 - 4...
How many times you will you repeat this

There are 7 to 8 digits in a telephone
number, you are telling me only 4

lts difficult now...
Why its difficult?
l am a traffic guy and l am use to
remembering only 4 digits of a car...

Thats it...
Now what should l do then
Why don't you go at girl's place

You are afraid of her father...

Hell be afraid of her father,
lf l know the place

That day was our first meeting...
And you stopped us...
Oh man... its terrible
Now what should we do...

But there is one thing...
She lives some where near this area

Remember she walked way her home...
Yes you are right...!

Ok... lets do one thing...
Ask that shopkeeper

Hurry up lets go...
Come Come...
Don't you worry, These are all our guys

Greetings Brother
Greetings Mr. Pandat

Hey say it man
Mr Pandit...
l am looking for a girl

She lives someehere near
Let me describe you her face
May be you would have seen her.

Hey man Taivari i am
always busy with my shop...

l don't have any
time to see girls.

Take him to Luxman you
will deffinetly find out there...

No No Mr Tevari i
only look Radha...

No one else ever.
Just think Luxman think...
Don't be afraid of me,
see how long he is searching her

Tell Him lf you know...
Oh! l don't know...

Well... l really l don't
All it happened becouse of me...
l was helpless because of my duty
l have an idea...
