Chalte Chalte

l have decieded
For Priya l can go to anywhere in the world
l have called Vivik
he is comming to the airport with the Visa

You just pack this
Yes this all is fine but why are you going...
Why am i going?
Priya is going there to get enggaged
And you will attend that
She is going to get enggaged,
she is not engagged

l dont want to discuss it with you
Sister, you see Nandu every day?
- Yes

Many years ago he didn't stop his girl firend
And till today he is roaming on the street
with a dog and a bottle in his hand

And he says the same thing that,
''i wish i could have stoped her''

And Sister i dont want to
wish for the rest of my life

Give me my Credit Card
l don't have it its in the drawer
Make him understand
This is the only chance i have
Sister you too are talking about money
What will l do with the money if
Priya is not there

lts not that
Tommoro is the meeting of
Truck Owners Assosiation

And its really important for you to be there
Or else they will cancel you subsi diary
lts not subsi dairy,
its subsidry

Yes that, it will be cancelled
Forget that,
- What! ls this the way to do business

Brother Manu i dont know
how to do business

But love is done this ways
Oh what hell love is done like that!
He says love is done this ways
ls love done this ways?
l am also comming to greece, i mean going
Priya now what should l say...
Actually, in my child hood i heard a story
