Oh. I don't know, honey.
A Division I coaching job...
that's a lot of pressure
and a lot more hours.
Yeah, but with all the kids in school next
year, we could handle more job pressure.
Yeah, but, honey, Midland is our home.
I mean, the kids' lives are here.
Midland has been great
for raising our kids...
but I never expected 'em
to sacrifice the way that I did.
You loved your childhood.
Except for this part--
the raggedy, hand-me-down part.
The Stallions head coach.
It's your dream job,
isn't it, honey?
I want this one, Kate.
Let's talk to the kids.
How do you think
they'll handle it?
- [ All Grunting ]
- We're gonna move!
[ Yelling ]
Okay, everybody,
you know the drill.
On ""three,''
you give me a big ""cheese.''
[ Horse Whinnies ]
Jake, do you have
to wear black?
Black works, Mom.Jesus, like,
has his funeral on Christmas.
- He died on Easter, Barbie.
- Whatever.
He was resurrected
on Easter, moron.
- Be quiet.
- Don't touch me.!
- [ All Arguing ]
- Hey, hey, hey!
What's all the fighting about?
Exactly when did you plan
on telling us about moving?
- I'm not moving!
- Yeah, because I'm not moving, all right?
- [ Voices Overlapping ]
- [ Gunner Barking ]
- I'm not moving.
- Charlie, Evanston is only four hours away.
- Beth can come and visit.
- This isn't just about Beth, Mom.
- My whole life is here at Midland.
- [ Telephone Ringing ]
- Hello?
- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, Nora. You're on speaker.
- Hi, everybody.
Hank says hi too. So, you guys
are thinking about moving up here?
Yeah. You got room in that new
apartment for your big old family?
Just big enough for two, Dad.
How's your book going, Mom?
Actually, I just sent it to a friend
who's in publishing, so we'll see.