Young master,
what do u think of this place?
Not bad.
Hi, u are the young master?
You have a unique taste, ever consider
when to rent it?
Anything just tell me first, then I will
inform my young master. Understand?
Ok, then Mr Rentfree when do u wish to
rent it?
Rent? Did I mention I want to rent it?
U think we can't afford to buy it?
The deal is closed. If not enough money,
I can give u more later...
Young master, we are still vampires ...
I am still worried about your safety
staying in this place.
Rentfree, your mindset is still way back
few hundred years back...
Being a new generation vampire, one
should have better visions. Understand?
Please take your seats.
I think here is too cramped...
Waiter, this lady thinks this place is
too crampy.
Do u think we can ask the guests to
I think for invalid reasons,
it isn't easy.