Hurricane Gabriel...
continues to pound
the eastern seaboard.
It has now been upgraded
to a category 4 hurricane.
Forecasters are predicting...
major damage
and severe flooding...
which we are already seeing
in many parts...
Later, we go live...
to a tense scene
some 300 miles north...
where evacuees battle...
to stock up on food and water.
But first, the latest...
...for desperately needed
medical aid.
-City Of Ghosts-
Here at Gibraltar Point...
we have reports
of entire communities...
being leveled.
Gusts as strong as
150 miles per hour...
strong enough to level homes.
Scores of residents
have heeded the call...
and have been
pouring into the shelter...
here at Gibraltar Point
all night.
The big concern for them is...
will they have a home
to return to?
I don't know
what to expect to find...
when I get back there...
but I'm sure we'll be talking
with the insurance company.