City of Ghosts

I brought some of my staff.
I hope it's OK.

It's wonderful.
would you get some drinks...

for our guests, please?
-You should be cautious.

General, this is my colleague...
and financial advisor
from Hong Kong, Ming Chew.

How do you do?
He's going to be
accompanying me...

to the coast for
our presentation.

Good. I have spoken
with our associates in Kep...

and everything's
been arranged.

Isn't that a little premature?
These people don't
even have shoes.

Josef, why don't you
stay out of this?

We won't need shoes
in my casino.

You don't need shoes to lose.
You know,
I have a wonderful feeling...

about the old casino...
and its surroundings.
From what I gather,
it could be the next Acapulco.

Kep, Acapulco--
What would it cost
to change that name?

Why don't you call it
Marvinville, Marvin?

if you'll just walk this way...

I have something very
exciting to show you.

We begin with our flagship--
the 30-story, 500-room...
Silver Palace Hotel and Casino.
Connecting the hotel
with the casino...

will be
an air-conditioned tunnel...

complete with moving walkways.
Our hunting lodge
and firing range...

will provide
a variety of weapons...

such as M-16, AK-47...
and the B-40 rocket.
Our big game park...
will be featuring
many exotic species...

from around the world.
In addition will be
24 traditional bungalows...

featuring air conditioning...
and jacuzzis...
