You're making a mistake, Jimmy.
Marvin's in trouble.
If there's going to be
any blood spilled in my bar...
I'll do it!
Don't test me.
Put it away, Jimmy.
What do you mean,
Marvin's in trouble?
Let me up, and I'll tell you.
You nuts?!
Marvin's disappeared.
What do you mean, disappeared?
His bodyguard
and business associate...
were murdered in Kep.
You know, where
the casino is, Golf Town--
400 clicks from here.
And what about Marvin?
He's been abducted.
What do you mean,
he's been abducted?
What makes you so sure?
'Cause I was there.
I was lucky to get out alive.
Yeah, right.
You know what I think?
I think the whole thing stinks.
Look, come on.
You sent that guy for me
last night...
tried to have me killed...
and now you're feeding me...
some bullshit story...
about how Marvin's disappeared.
He's been abducted.
What are you talking about?
You know Marvin and l
would do nothing to harm you.
You're like a son to him.
He asked me to look after you.
What's the matter with you?
How could you even think
such a thing of me?
Jesus. Look at you.
You're exhausted.
You don't make any sense.
Calm down, man!